News 2021-2022

Schools Monitoring Program

The KZN Legislature and Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Local Municipality accompanied by other stakeholders visiting Faithway High School in Underberg, Ward 03 and Dingeka High School in Gobhogobho, Ward 10 to monitor the functionality of schools.

Faithway Christian School obtained …

Mayor Congratulates Class Of 2021

I want to congratulate the class of 2021 on their perseverance and the magnificent results obtained. The hard work really did pay off for many of our learners. We are once again delighted to hear of the outstanding performances of …

36 Pupils Squeezed In A Mini Bus

The Mini bus that is regulated to commute 17 passengers load was caught transporting 36 pupils excluding Driver. This incident happened today, 20 January 2022 in R52 road at Nkwezela area during the Harry Gwala District Scholar Transport Operation. Traffic …

Umaspala Idr Ndz Uhleli Neminyango Kahulumeni

Namhlanje mhlaka 4 kuOkthoba 2022: uMeya woMkhandlu uKhansela PS Msomi onguSihlalo we Local AIDS Council okuyisigungu esihlanganisa yonke iminyango kaHulumeni kanye nezinhlangano ezisemphakathini. Lesi sigungu sidingida kakhulu ngemibiko ephuma kwiminyango kahulumeni ekulweni sefiso sengculaza kanye nezinye izidingo zomphakathi. Lemibiko iveza …
